Travel Information
The Lincolnshire Transport Helpline provides information and advice on a wide range of transport options including community car scheme and CallConnect. The helpline can be contacted on 0345 456 4474 or by https://lincsbus.info/accessing…/transport-helpline/ The helpline operates from 9 am to 6 pm Monday – Fri and 9.30 am – 4 pm on Saturday.
CallConnect is an on-demand bus service that is paid for by the customer. If someone has a concessionary bus pass due to age or disability they can assess CallConnect free of charge. For the purposes of COVID 19 vaccination programme only, Transport Services have agreed to extend this free to anyone aged 67 and over, regardless of whether they have a bus pass or not.
We will of course continue to offer car parking spaces at the surgery. Whilst we realise a majority of patients currently choose to visit the surgery by car, we wish to encourage those that can come by alternative means to do so, so that those who have no other option than to use a car can use the car park.
We have tried to ease car parking at the surgery by relocating our staff and official visitor car parking off site to increase availability of spaces for patients. Staff are not permitted to park in the patient car park.
Please park only within marked bays (these are due to be re-lined shortly), and do not park in the drop off bay outside the surgery, or on the service road – this is reserved for loading and emergency vehicles and can cause serious access issues.
Please do not park on the fire station access road outside of the surgery, this must be kept clear at all times.
Cycle/Mobility Scooter
We have a covered cycle rack near the front of the surgery for up to 8 cycles between West Elloe Pharmacy and the surgery building, dropped kerb access is available nearby.
The space where the old cycle racks are located outside the main entrance can be used for mobility scooter parking; it is recommended that mobility scooter users use the pedestrian path to access the entrance to the medical centre parking area, as the raised ramp on the entrance to the medical centre is not designed for mobility scooters.
A cycle route runs down one side of West Elloe Avenue, and along to Spalding Town Centre via the Castle Sports Centre.
A hard standing has been constructed near to the covered cycle shelter to accommodate motorcycles, accessible using dropped kerb access and a pathway.
Trees nearby have been trimmed to permit easier access.
Work has recently been completed at the junction of West Elloe Avenue and Pinchbeck road to include pedestrian crossings for safe passage across both Pinchbeck Road and West Elloe Avenue.
Information on taxi companies are provided for your convenience.
We do not endorse any company, and receive no payment for listing them here:
Guy’s Taxis: 01775 68 08 05
MWB Taxis: 01775 64 09 17
Royal Taxis: 01775 71 47 14
Smart Cabs: 01775 76 76 76
A public payphone is available in the reception area next to the dispensary hatch should you need it, please use mobile phones outside of the reception area for the comfort of patients in the waiting room.
If there are any errors or out of date information, please let us know and we will update links on our website as appropriate.
Voluntary Car Scheme
Please note this is a voluntary service, and offers transport for visits to the surgery or hospital only; bookings can be made by telephone from 9am until 12pm, and then 2pm until 4pm only – please do not call outside of these times.
If you need transport to get you to these appointments please contact:
Pinchbeck | Monday – Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm | Hilary Marks 01775 766171 |
Spalding/Cowbit | 9:00am -12:00pm & 2:00PM – 6:00pm | Mrs I Landen 01775 421146 |
Prices as from 1st September 2011 – 35p per mile (Minimum charge £4.00).
Non-Emergency Patient Transport
Please contact TASL on: 0808 1644586